Before i start, I just want to say this is not to make me look good, not a goodbye, and I am NOT sucking up to any one. I simply feel that i need to give thanks. That is all. To every one in ECC, I have been having lots of trouble in my school/town with not being accepted, or liked for that matter. ECC has been a big part of my life. Thank you for accepting me, and letting me be who I am. andrewkm, wewinagain, and all staff members. Thank you for keeping the server running! Thank you for all of your hard work. Many people do not like the restarts, I for one, doesn't mind them. In the long run, they keep the server running smoothly. Thank you for all of your devoted time. Tommy_T, Thank you for being a friend, and a mentor. Thank you for not treating me like a kid, unlike most adults. You are like a brother to me. thank you... OH and thanks for telling me about hellsing! ^.^ officepwnz123, Thank you for that random wooden door, and thank you for being a friend. lol Thanks for not being snooty, And thanks for being the first person I ever skyped! Ducky_Momo16, Thank you for being a friend/husband! We have known each other for so long, and not just on ECC. Thanks for all the in game money you have spent for us. It has been fun. (and i think you need to learn to take a joke lol) drad99, mcg1 MattBrpQc, oreothedog1, highdaftgirl, revanrose6 and evilring, Thank you guys for being friends, and talking to me. Thanks evil and drad for tping me to you, or to me just to hang out. It is fun even if we are not talking. Thanks guys for being funny and stuff. And drad, you are my friend. Don't ever think your not. >:I vengfulbacon, jwpwns, and dieselrabbit, Thank you guys for being my friends for so long. I have known you all seance i was a builder, even when I used my sisters account. (I do NOT use it any more) Thanks for all your help back then, and even now. chris_job, Thank you for being my friend. I know that you are not the most 'liked' person on ecc, (i don't know why) but I like you. It is always fun to talk to you. No matter what, I will be here for you. I am your friend, no matter what some one says. chocolatecheese1, and nitro172, Thank you guys so much for being co-mayors of Cyrodiil, and for being my friend. You guys have helped so much, I can't thank you enough. Words can not say how much I appreciate it. Thank you every one for your time. and sorry if I missed some one.
This seems like a very well thought out and put together post. I do not know you but just from this I know you make a good friend.
Well thank you as well Star for being a friend and for letting me put a giant conceited statue of myself in your town.
i said thanks to all mods -.- and this took me forever and i added the people who spend time with me.
Star you are too kind<3 thank you for being my support when i needed it. You are truly a great friend <3
<3 star and need any help irl, call austinsplaneguy / Billy Mays but not d_face012 he's a Anthony Sullivan