Thread title: Weird teleporting glitch/mirror world? Minecraft Username: Videowiz92 Brief Description: Was able to teleport to a glitched copy of spawn that I could grief. Instructions: 1.Found a minecart at Aether spawn. 2.Got inside and was stuck in tree's leaves. 3.Attempted to tp to Aether spawn (no luck). 4.Tp to home and fell in an infinite void. 5.While falling typed /spawn and presto. How many times did you recreate this bug?: At least 4 times, all successful. Result: I ended up at main world's spawn and could actually break anything. Tested with vengfulbacon and he didn't see any grief. He also couldn't see me even though I was standing right in front of him. Also the edge of spawn wouldn't load anymore chunks. Expected Result: I expected to go to an unglitched spawn. Evidence: All steps to the glitched spawn. Spoiler After teleporting home Pictures after arrival. Spoiler vengfulbacon couldn't see me. Chunks wouldn't load. Grief
lolwut. This IS very interesting... What in the world is this? lolol. Are you sure you weren't lagging or anything making it look like the blocks were staying broken or something? If you weren't... Then what in the world could even cause this? This is not like anything I've seen before.
\ It's a bug where you get teleported to a specific point at spawn but you have a 'ghost' wandering around the area that can break things without them popping back. It's completely clientside.
I know that it's client side. What I meant was that I didn't know why following these steps caused this. What part of these steps causes the client to glitch up, and why?
i think i found a new way and it seems to let me set home in the spawn under ground and i think i griefed the spawn by seting home and tping there