A quick question. I have copied and pasted a portion of the description of benefits you get when you upgrade to Teleport plus : "Bypass TP cooldown! -The TeleportPlus package comes with the ability to bypass the teleportation cooldown on commands such as /home, /warp, etc." Does this feature bypass the /wild land teleportation cooldown.? I assumed it did when I upgraded. If it doesn't I think a less vague description of benefits is in order. I was disappointed to see the /wild land command had the usual cooldown. I assumed that the command would fall under "teleportation". Please advise, I am not a happy chappie at the moment.
/wild is separate since it causes more system load than any other teleport command. It needs to find random coords, then find the top sopt, then needs to see whether it fulfills the land/water criteria, also whether it is lava, then it needs to check whether it is in a town... if not, repeat all steps. But I agree, it should be made clear in the feature description.
Thanks for that explanation @314, what you are saying does make sense. I suggest the "etc." be replaced with a more appropriate description of benefits post haste. I personally bought the feature for /wild without cooldown, bouncing around with a compass in my opinion is kind of lame when you have fly. So I have just wasted $20.
Ok @314 you win lol there is a real benefit, I guess I am still glad for the upgrade. But on a serious note the description should change.