Who are we? Team Aqua is a group of people who seek to raise attention for the sacredness of water. Like the cult of the tree, we focus on improving ecc and bringing nature back to a pristine state. We are disgusted with the way the bodies of water look in the worlds of ecc. We are planning many projects that will show the importance and beauty of water. What can you do? As a fellow concerned ecc player, there is a lot you can do. Your input, time, or donations are all options. We need funds, clearly. Because with every major project there is a major pay check. We also need positions filled. A full list of positions and those in them will be listed below. We are in need of ideas as well. As it is, we will be doing things around the mainworld and potentially the mining and wild worlds. Team Aqua also do major to minor jobs. Including, but not limited to: building boats, lakes, oceans, rivers, irrigated farms, snow biomes. All come at a price though. This way you can get what you want in return for a generous donation to our cause. What do you get? As it is we are a relatively small group and we need donations. In return, we will make a "Hall of Fame" for those that donate. You will be rewarded as follows. $500+ A snow block with your in game name on it. $1000+ An ice block with your in game name on it. $5000+ A diamond block with your in game name on it. $10000+ An emerald block with your in game name on it. Along with your name on the corresponding block, you will be given the option to hire one of our workers to improve your town/plot. List of positions:As it is we are a fairly small group. We are looking for many to join Team Aqua. Leader: [Poseidon] WhiteBoyBuilds Co-Leader: [Archie] WhiteBoyMines Contractor: NEEDED! Workers: NEEDED! Apply below in given format :] Ign: Position Wanted: Average Amount of Time You Play a Week: If you'd like to donate: Send me a pm ingame or on the forums. Thanks for your time!~~[Poseidon]
IGN: tomicalover Position wanted: Contractor Average time /week : 14 hrs. Yes, I will donate as soon as possible.
Ign: MrC001_TX Position Wanted: Maybe worker. Average Amount of Time You Play a Week: 7+ hrs. If you'd like to donate: I will try to donate frequently,but as I'm "low income", there's not much I can do.