TATER REVOLUTION"All Hail Potatoes!" We are the Tater Revolution, we will hail ALL potatoes and fight for their freedom! Join the Tater Revolution to help stop the bullies against potatoes! Potato Leader: SparklyPotato2Co-Potatoness leaders: WeirdBuilder and officepwnz123Baked Potatoes (Serious Potatoness', who have done everything they can to defend the taters!): Laxcd11, TheN00BISHPanda,donkey5k, kconahan, Baked potato... that went steamed!: eekelmo Leader Big Brotato( VERY tough tater): 7amoodwBrotatoes (the tough ones): JBuks, thehockeykids2, MBK2345, SuburbSomeone, kalvb123 The raw potatoes (beginners):7airlinepilot, BIGNA5TY The BAD poisonous taters! (they stalk for taterness): Raccooy, RyanBlocks2 The Tater Sis!: Boomble123The ASIAN Potato: origamimaster10 Everyone who joins the tater nation agrees to hailing the potatoes and protecting our kind! After being a member for a certain amount of time, you will receive a potato named "Tater Revolution Badge". Everyone starts out as a raw potato unless me, or a co-leader decides, or upgrades you to a higher rank! Reply below to become a member of The Tater Revolution! Our LOGO