Due to prior owner, block_crusher selling me Synthest I will be doing many repairs and such to the town. Every member will have 7 days to remove their items and remove their LWCs. (Not required: Take down the house on your plot.) After these 7 days are up I will be removing all residents from Synthest. If you need a tp to the town please pm me in-game.I will be tagging all current members of the town. If you have any questions pm/mail me in-game or via the forums. Thank you. @assassinsrule01 BlAcK_eLmO borboy97 @bossman199913 Bostonian brandoncito @captaindrassic ChaseThe99 CORNSLINGER cracker228989 @crazyepicgirl @derailin eben48 @faith_phoenix FuChunx3 @gloobie Glooble graceiltis22 Hotloads hurricanecat @irked Jayjayace Joseph01234 Joshy2019187 katy345 If you know anyone that was not listed above please tag them below Thank you, thecooljew
kutless228 Lukesturdivant76 @lyonboy300 Nelsin @pinkprincesspup @planetrj1 random_93 redstoneactive7 RyGuy205 Scott_151 @speedy4998 spicyCH sprayware tboyd1014 TheBuckeye11 thomasku11 VaultDweller1O1 @vaultdweller101 xseem08x zingyjaffa
Congratulations on obtaining Synthest thecooljew I hope you make it into an amazing town once again. Good luck.
Just a reminder that in 24 hours I will be removing all members from the town. I will also be filing LWC removals on all locks in the town. After the 24 hours are up and I have not filed a removal on one of your chests, you may pm me for a tp to the town to receive your items. Thank you
thecooljew please let me know if you need any further help with the town. Let me know how your going.