**Please note, I wasn't sure where to post this. So feel free to move it ** Hey Guys, So I was reading through the forums, and seem to find a tonne of suggestions about the Survival Games. Either people complaining, people wanting rid of kits and all sorts. To my knowledge there has been lots of things going on recently with Survival Games, and the way it is eliminating users from ECC. So this got me thinking, Is andrew and the administration actually going to move forward with this? I mean I know revan made the post about the 1/8th chance of no Kits. But it still got me curious. Leave your thoughts below Kind Regards, Vintage Gamer
If it was mentioned by Revan, I would imagine that it is something being worked on. Bear in mind that this is something which requires coding and that the people who would do such a task are incredibly busy and/or have full time jobs as well as their ECC commitments.
I really, REALLY hope it does happen, but im not sure if it actually will. PS=You wrote raiding the forums not reading >.<
I played the Survival Games once on ECC, I quit immediately. The kits are so unfair to the other players on the server. If this passes, i'll play once again. +1 Great idea by the way.
I applauded the people who spend money on kits to help them and the server... however. I do agree that maybe at least one server is a no kit. But mentioned before by @Dewsy92 , it will take a lot of time coding and sorting out.
If this does happen we may as well remove kits all together. A lot of money made from the survival games is made through killing users without kits. If these users decide to go to lobbies preventing the use of kits it will lower the income from the survival games. If this happens something should be given to kit users to actually make it worth there money for purchasing these kits. If not I think they should just be removed entirely and coupon codes given out out to users.