Minecraft Username: TheZombieMuffin Brief Description: Doesn't count as a kill on your SG stats when it's a 2 player game and you kill the other guy Instructions: Get in an SG with two players, kill the other guy, look at stats How many times did you recreate this bug?: Loads of times Result: Doesn't count as a kill Expected Result: Should add a kill to your SG stats and up your KD Evidence: Look at my SG stats, where it says I got 1st position with no kills, it should say 1 kill
I think I have noticed something similar to this, as on the list of games played during the days I can play tons of games and notice that nothing is showing up when I fight a two person match, as I have experienced the above. I now notice what Zombie has said now that its mentioned, but I doubt that they could re-add the points because they wouldn't be so sure of all of this and it would take a lot of time lol. But jamie does his ways with these sort of things.
Yeah I understand, as I have probably lost many kills on my record because of this bug as have many others that play sg probably have.
The games last less than 5 minutes correct? If so, then not much I can do about it. It's an issue with our stats back end that I could only fix by breaking more