Minecraft Username: D4NTE_3 Brief Description: I used super breaker in mining world, as soon as it ended, it said my super breaker ability was refreshed. Instructions: Use super break, wait until it's over, and it should instantly say "You super breaker ability is refreshed." How many times did you recreate this bug?: three Result: Says my ability is refreshed when it isn't. Expected Result: Says that my ability is refreshed when it is. Evidence: http://imgur.com/8tgn8q8,qzNX8PP,n154ZWL,1TqOPnj#0
it was eff 4 unb 3 fortune 3 diamond pick in mining world. Ill try it again too. ~Edit~ I tried it once more and it worked correctly. Sorry if I caused any confusion, I just thought I should post this because it happened three times.