Right now we have the old build world all torn up from exessive mining. Why? It doesn't reset of course. Why don't people mine in the mining world? Because builders aren't allowed. I think that builders should be allowed to mine in the mining world helping keep more land free for towns in the build world.
Due to the recent map expansion there is no need to conserve land. The map size literally quadrupled and the map was fine before the expansion. (getting close to needing something done, Andrew was ahead as usual.) -1
true there fleet, also it gives a big advantage of becoming a resident. If you automatically started with everything as a builder it would be no fun. That way when you jump from builder to resident you get a small raft of privileges. Besides lots of builders make their fortunes farming and voting. -1
Locking this, builders can access the mining world so this thread is not needed and there's no need to continue posting off-topic things in here.