Minecraft Name: Porkchopsandwhic Suggestion: Give the people who play on this server a little bit a information about when/if the server is going to be down for maintenance. Reason: Tried to log in only to find the server is down. no Mods/Smods in the chat to explain why the server is down. been about an hour, only saw 1 sentence from a mod and it did not explain anything. There is no way someone just wakes up and takes the server down for no reason. Would it be that hard to make a post "Server down for Maintenance-Planned time frame X" Any Other Information:
sorry some of us don't have the personal contact info of the staff members. plus why would I bother someone who might not know what is going on. it is not like mods are taking the server down. Was in the chat box, it was empty of staff. as for irc, didn't release anyone still used that.
Andrew had mentioned that he was going to take the server down for hardware upgrades the day before, in a thread in general discussion.
just checked general forums no threads started by Andrew about the server being down. Check all content by Andrew from his profile page back to 7/15. did not see anything about the server being down. maybe I need to be more clear and say a "Sticky"ed thread. I shouldn't have to bug someone to get info. should be a single easily locatable thread or forum section
there are many ways to find out why the server is down -andrew MAY post a thread -you can ask people in IRC chat/pm over forums -many people make threads asking/telling why (i don't suggest you make your own threads though) -andrew usually says why before restarting/stopping the server
Andrew MAY not post a thread. People might not answer you. I rarely see threads asking why. And in his example, he just popped onto minecraft and wasn't there to see andrew's announcement. Having a pinned thread for it is a lot more professional then just bugging people for info in the chatbox, when there's already been 50 people before you asking why. It just seems so much easier to have it announced officially somewhere everyone can see it.
I said i dont suggest, but since you immediatly write off all of the ofher reasons, i have to go to tht
Read the message it gives when you try to connect; you can ping Staff on IRC to at least see if they have heard from anyone about downtimes; check Twitter; check Ventrilo (if Andrew did mention something in-game, anyone on Ventrilo can probably tell you what he said and/or Staff comments with info); see if you know someone who has Staff on Skype/ask Staff on Skype yourself; ask your friends; check the forums ... Sometimes threads are made to give people a heads-up, then removed once it is all done and over with. So if you cannot find something now, it may have been removed - but it was probably there when it was relevant, so check for those when it is relevant to check. Threads Andrew posts for announcements/news/heads-up are always in News or General. Don't get me wrong, though. I would like to see a thread for some downtime kind of information, but most downtimes are no more than five minutes. As well, they don't happen as often once all new Mojang MC updates are fully sorted and ironed out, and when Andrew isn't upgrading hardware/systems/what-have-you.
I can agree that people sound be reading the message when they try to connect. I find almost everyone ignores it. I'm not sure how many people are aware of IRC, but that too is a good idea. But I do not have a twitter account and I do not use twitter. I also cannot do Ventrilo because of several different reasons. I also cannot use skype. My parents probably wouldn't let me. And as i said before. Sometimes no threads are posted. Yes sure there are plenty of ways to try and gain the information. But having an official announcement would keep people from having to do all of it.
Twitter can be seen as a blog, you don't actually need to have twitter to see twitter, just go to https://twitter.com/EcoCityCraft
Because twitter has more updates, andrew uses twitter more often than he creates threads. And it's like no effort to take a look at the twitter feed.