Minecraft Name: Nelsin Suggestion: Make 2 eff 6 picks able to anvil together to create a eff 7. Reason: It would make it awesome and that. Any Other Information: Not really Link To This Plugin: I select KHobbits!
I bet there is some way to make it not to expensive with the bukkitAPI Its not meant to be useful its just to show your richness. Like ecoleader and tycoon
Here is an idea to show your "richness", get Tycoon and EcoLeader. It is not needed and will not have a noticeable difference to an eff 7 pick therefore all I see it doing is creating more work for the developers and more bugs to fix.
We just added eff7, I honestly do not see any point to this. Eff7 is practically as fast as you can break blocks, there is really no point messing around with this as it is not the needed -1
The bukkit api does not allow direct modification of minecraft mechanics, you would have to modify the spigot server code, which is what we use. Not bukkit