Minecraft Name: ScottTheGOD Suggestion: Making begging and asking for donations a rule. Reason: The hole chat is full with begger's and people asking for people to donate to there funds of getting a rank or having a goal of a certain amount of money which I think is annoying and only courses arguments. First off it was ok with 1 or 2 people doing it every so often but now it's beyond a joke. I know how hard it is to make money at a builder/resident rank but when one person see's some one asking for donation and say he gets a donation of 100$ he tells people in chat and next thing you know 5 people are doing the same thing which spams the chat and takes people attention of the other chat channels. Anyway that's my opinion on the subject feel free to add your comments and suggestions below on the subject. Thanks... Any Other Information: Example: Just watch the chat for 20 mins
I agree, the chat is constantly spammed with messages of beggars. If we make a rule to allow it, have it be you can only post it once every 3-5 minutes. +1 This constantly gets annoying to people who are looking for messages to screenshot (because they have been driven out of the log) or are posting ads or offers and players don't see it due to beggars.
My point is banning it all together and just shoving beggars and people asking for donations in to the trade chat is not defeating the problem. People want to sell, buy and trade stuff and if the trade chat is full of beggars then that just takes peoples attention from what people are trying to sell or buy. What are new people gunner think when they come into the game and there chat is flooded with beggars and people asking for donations ? they are gunner leave or join in on the actions I think something needs to be done.
I agree with it all it should be some how taken down to less beggars but hot do you propose to accomplish this???
What a ban all thoghter tommany low ranks would be banned daily making the layer amounts lower making high ranks average ranks like rich and people who try to make it there but most new players would just be banned first day in.
No make it like spamming you have 3 warnings and then a Temp-ban. When people come into EOC they will think that begging is the best way to make money when some one brags about getting a $200 donation.
I hate coming onto global chat and listen to beg for money in global chat, and this also happens in local chat and trade chat. It's frustrating, and I also get harassed be builders for money which is even more frustrating.
unfortunately it a part of life in game and out. its just going to be there. as for banning i see no need for it but yes it should be kept down to a minimal it just part of given you have to get use to. it happens every where. take WOW there is a ton of beggars there.
I agree in other games there are baggers like WOW however they have loads of different chats around WOW in certain distances ECO does not, there is one global and one trade. I know it's life but unlike irl you can get away from it but you can't on EOC, the chat is spammed all the time with beggars and if some one trade has been spammed out of chat they have to wait a good 3 mins to re post it. I think that banning begging altogether is the only way to go no one wants to see it on chat and pms.
Well, I'm going to straight up say this. I wouldn't have gotten Mayor if it wasn't for "begging". Yes, it does get annoying, but that is also the purpose of /ignore. If you are annoyed by it, it's simple - /ignore (user) and then you don't have to see it. I believe that it should be monitored, but I think it is fine at the moment.
Yes people could use ignore but using ignore is for people that are insulting or trolling I don't wish to use ignore 30 times a day. Using ignore all the time does not cut it, maybe they beg and I ignore them then they sell something I really need and ignoring about 30 people a day no doubt I will miss a good deal on something I really need .I respect your feedback but I still think something has to be done to ether knock down the amount of beggars or ban it altogether.