Thread Title: Making the Melon-sword harder to get Minecraft Name: sick24 Suggestion: Only allowing 5 (idk for sure) Melon-Swords per week to be bought Reason: Make it even more rare to get one. At the rate they are going into the economy soon everyone will have one! Its supposed to be a hardcore economy where you must work hard to be successful. Not just be able to be resident in 2 hours if you try. Other Information: This sword is special and should be very limited in access, it should be reserved for the hardest working or people and always be a fight to get one. Link to this plugin: N/A I think andrew would just need to add some regulation to the star store signs.
This is completely false. It takes many hours of hard work to get a melon sword. You can't just farm for 5 hours to get one.
True. I am saying more of after you get one you have the ability to a large amount of money very quickly. It would add another element of hardcorness to have to battle it out to get a melon sword.
Another counter-arguement. After you get the melon sword, you need to farm to get the money you used from buying netherstars. At the rate of 15K per hour, it would take around 24 hours to make the money back if you were to buy most of your netherstars. That is only to cover your expenses. You don't make a profit until you make more than the amount of money spent on the sword, around 350K-400K. Not including repairs that would cost you an average of 200 per, if you don't already have it.
I am focused more on the number of melon swords in existence, not how much you can make from them. I am just saying that it should be harder to get to add more competition in the server.
I don't see how this is necessary, spending more than $300,000 for a single tool which could potentially be lost or broken seems to be "hardcore" enough for me. It's a good investment that can bring you your money back because that's what it's supposed to be, nobody would spend that amount of money for something like that which ends up being non-profitable. Also, implementing this probably wouldn't be very easy, and in the end people would just wait it up like nothing's happening, just like they do when waiting for donations or an in-game application to process.
No, make them harder too get!!! I'm sorry but a melon sword costs 300k+. You can get fly for that much!!! The prices are fine.
Its not about the prices, its about the number that are available. It would slow down the rapidly expanding economy.
I think the melon sword is already hard to obtain, and there aren't that many in the economy, they are 300k after all. This is a massive over exaggeration. I pretty sure the players who manage to earn 300k are already the hardest working. I believe the melon sword is overrated, you can make the same amount, if not more, with an eff 5 axe on pumpkins. There is really no reason why a melon sword should cost so much. The only reason is because the only seller of melon swords (the server) has a monopoly over their sale and therefore price. Your reasoning for wanting an increase in the price/decrease in supply seems pretty weak, so I'm guessing that isn't the real reason you want less melon swords. Especially considering you alrady own a melon sword.
Melons can make a couple of k more than pumpkins, with the sword. Without the sword they'll make way less. eff 5 axe gives roughly 6-8 pumpkins a second ($4.20 a second on average), while the eff 5 sword gives roughly 2-3 melons a second. ($5 a second on average)
Guys, I am saying that nothing is wrong with the price. 1000 netherstars is fine. I am saying that there should be a set # of swords available every week.
I'm going to say no on this, because if there is a problem with multiple melon swords out then i guess there will have to be a problem. Now, if you want to make it harder to get, I would say raise it from 1000 to 1250 or somethin. I'm sure most ppl close to 1000 nstars will be against this, along with those with no melon sword (including me), but I'm sure there is a way for everything to be done.