Minecraft Name: iOrbit Suggestion: Implementing a new donation feature. Called "Feed". Where you can do /feed and your hunger will refuel. Reason: As for my last bug exploit. People with fly don't need food, to be able to run. But the loss of health can be a big problem. Wether for PvP or dangerous jobs.People who don't have fly, are doomed to eating food all day long. Even, perhaps they cannot afford the Fly feature. This new donation, called "Feed" would refuel your hunger bars, once you wanted to. By doing /feed . It could also be a "Cheap" donation feature, comparing to others. Like $15-$20. That most users could afford.Link to this Plugin: I'm afraid I cannot find the plugin, or if it is even a plugin! But I know it exists, if someone knows what this is and/or can post a link, that would be wonderful.
My idea was to have a new donation feature (More money to the server) But since ExtCreation+ is so under rated, that could work too! Thanks for your input!
hmm i think this would be good, but i find some things that users can get around without having this... for example, heal signs, pay anrewkm like 40k to put one in your town, fly by it and click it. Boom, your health and food bar is instantly healed. But thats only if it's in your town, the donation may be good for when your mining.
Well, whatever brings more money into the server, and does not bring any problems with it, is always welcome.
Please attempt to give a reasoning to your, so called "+1". A simply "+1" will give no justification what so ever. If your not giving an reason to why you like this, just don't post in my suggestions, at all.
Off at a tangent slightly, but I don't see why other users find this funny, I could not agree more. Why post +1 if you like a suggestion use the forums rating system, only post if you have input.
Hmm...this of course sounds like a good idea from Andrew's standpoint. More donations = more money = more upgrades = good. But from the player standpoint, it's okay in areas, bad in others. Feed donation = don't have to eat = no spending money on food = chain of good stuff. Then there's the bad... Feed donation = less people buying food = economy problems = people that own restaurants start losing money = all food markets go down the drain. Good, but, bad. -1
I would agree, but also disagree at the same time . I think it's a good idea for ext.commands+ or creations+, but then again, as Lee said, it could decrease the number of votes the server gets which is not a good thing. I guess I am neutral then.
No one, and I mean no one at all. Spends there Nstars on food. Do you? Because I certainly do not. People wouldn't stop voting, or vote less because they can have food bars full, all the time. Although, people who aren't knowledgeable enough, to know the Nstar value, probably won't even buy the donation feature, as they cannot afford it, or just feel like it's the right time to donate. Applying this, would NOT affect voting at all.
Most people, do not spend money in food. They have alternate ways to getting food, at a no cost rate. The people who do indeed spend that much on food, would probably upgrade to buying perms to a farm, before buying the donations feature, itself. The is a never ending change, and adding this new donation feature, wouldn't harm the economy one bit. Also, not all food will go down the drain, some people probably won't even imagine spending $15 on a feature, that you don't even eat. Builders will always be around us, and I think, when you say "Restaurants", they are your main source of income, so it won't be a problem. But, I do need to admit. With a good, always comes a bad. Which, I believe is none of what you stated above. I can't really figure an issue to this, but there most certainly is, but nothing andrew can't tweak around, and make it good.
Wouldn't this eliminate the point of voting? Many vote just for food - To PvP. Not to mention, there's a tiny market being built out of food, and the majority of that food comes from the NetherStar to Food exchange. If we added /feed, it would ruin this Market we've got for food, not completely erase it, but hinder it for sure. Red, exactly, adding this would discourage voting. We don't want that. Yellow, how so? There's a market out of Food, and many would stop buying food if they had the donation feature.. Or at least not buy as much. It would harm the economy, not much, but it still would. Green, ... What do you mean by that? Overall, adding this may discourage voting for those who vote for food. And out of those who sell the food once exchanging NetherStars for it, they would be losing out, and it would be hurting the Food market. For once in E.C.C we've got somewhat of a Food demand, which came up of this thread. We don't want to make -everything- into a Donation feature, we've got Fly, Repairs, E-repairs, Teleports, etc. If we add this, we'll just keep adding 'lazy' donation features, and our Market will just get worse and worse.
Just saw this post.. Excuse me? I vote for food, and I know many others that do as well.. Saying simply that no one votes for food is a terrible fact, and/or guess..