Minecraft Name: Mudkiqo_o Suggestion: Let mods+ be able to force start/reset hunger games when it frees. Reason: Some times the hunger games freeze, and it says " Starts in 0 ", but it dont start before the next restart. When that happends mods should be able to force start the hunger games arena so we can use it, or at least put it back to "Waiting" Any Other Information: Its annyoying when the hunger games freeze, thats why I want mods to be able to force start it when it happends Edit: Make it GameAdmin+ then since you guys think so I dont really care as long as some of the staff can do it if needed Rate this post if you agree!
Super idea +1 except I think it should be supermod+ But of course people should just learn to play the game they started!
Supermod +, OR Come out with a new rank of "Hunger Games Manager" and have them be in charge of fixing any issues with hungergames.