IGN: Nick0jenna Suggestion: Make one of the hunger (survival) games maps non-kit enabled. Reason: After introducing kits to hunger games i have noticed that may users have had complaints that the kits make SG unfair or make users "over powered". Introducing one map with all kits disabled would give users the choice of weather to rely on tools and kits or to rely on "skill". This would be introducing a new element of choice that would be only available at EcoCityCraft.
I like this. I would suggest making a new arena, arena 5, which has no kits and would have a map that changes every month or so.
I agree with this as well. This would give everyone a chance to have some equal footing (even though it's not entirely that difficult to survive against kits). Not to mention, if this were paired with my suggestion about alternating maps in a 5th arena, then this would allow for users to play in environments where a players skill is all they need.
+1 SG kits should never been added! and it would be nice to have a different map to play on, especially a custom ECC SG map!
Correction, it wasn't that hard before the new end game. You could sneak up behind them and do other stuff. Now it's completely rediculous. You are tp'd right in front of the guy with the sharp sword making it near impossible to win without a kit.
I know exactly how OP some kits are. Whenever I'm the last three teleported to the middle, I can easily shoot them twice with my bow and win, or just attack them a few times with my sword.
Yeahhhh, while I hate playing HG, I know how it all goes. While I'm sure that you, and I, would enjoy this. Think about the bigger picture. This will cause people to stop buying kits, and it would cause everyone to only try and play arena 5. Andrew wants you to buy kits, if you want to win, go buy a kit. I know there are a lot of you that won't buy a kit, and still want to win. That's why we (me too) like the idea of a 5th arena, but Andrew does not. Good idea, just probably not in favor with the server owner
I disagree, during peak hours on the server all 3 sg maps are full almost instantaneously. Therefor saying that people would "only" play the 5th map is false. As for it taking a hit at the servers moneymaking, this is also a falsehood as people will always try to gain the upper hand so they will still buy kits for the first 4 maps.
And I totally disagree with what you said. The only way we'd know is to actually add another arena. Speculation is mostly opinion.
I do understand why into your does have the kits because the servers getting bigger it's going to take more money to take the server but I do understand why you would want 1 with the kits turned off because some people without their kits they're no good at SG sorry guys but that's the truth
+1 I find that I can dominate enough with 4 arena enabled kits, and i hav seen enough rage posts in global about kits being unfair
I mean I do understand why there is the kids but that's why I don't play SG because I don't care for the kiTs