Minecraft Name: runakilli Suggestion: Nerf swords. Not much, just a little. Reason: It is nearly impossible to kill someone with ridiculously high swords, such as 3point, or mrpublic. etc. IF they block while someone in full prot 4 with a sharp 5 hits them, the one attacking the one with high swords will die. The one with the high swords with usually have about a heart or 2 left. It's just overpowered in my opinion. I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. Any Other Information: Not really a huge nerf, but just so it's at least possible to have a chance and kill someone with high swords. Link To This Plugin: N/A
Trust me, having a high swords level doesn't make you an OP bahemoth, sure, in a 1v1 even, prepared battle, chances are, the user with the higher swords has the better chance, but in an actual battle, it's anyones gam.
Also, since prot4 was nerfed, it only takes 8-10 hits to kill someone in prot4. Then someone like 3point counter attacks ever other one of your hits, he kills you VERY easily. +1 to this suggestion
Just level your swords... He took the time to level his to 750 or whatever, he deserves to keep it high.