IGN: phiphiphi Suggestion: That there be a /help chat. Reason: When I started ECC, I had to learn how to use chat from listening to other players. I think that there should be a /help chat to help new players understand our chat. It might look something like this, but with more info. /Ch G: The global chat where everyone on the server can read your messages. /Ch L: The local chat where only people within 400 blocks of you can hear you speak. /Ch Auc: Where auctions are held and bidded on. /Ch Tr: The advertising channel where you can ask for jobs, sell things, and advertise. Then there would be more various info on the other chats. Any other info: I dont know if this has been suggested before. Link to plugin: No, but this could happen ingame.
I quite like this idea and it would be quite easy to add, although if I am honest I would not like it as it sort of splits the community up. I like the idea of just having Global chat to be the center of questions although it can get annoying at times. +1/2
I bet at least 75% of the builders who come on have never gone into Tutorial Island. I believe someone made a suggestion about having first time players spawn in Tutorial Island already, which I believe would be beneficial and help keep 1 time players, playing. If they really don't want to do the Tutorials, they can always run to the end. If you don't like that idea because you think it would be a hassle for them, just move the Tutorial on using the /spawn command to the first room they spawn in. That way they have the option of continuing though the tutorial, or spawning out of it.
Well sometimes people want to remember something about chat and don't want to go to the tutorial island because they dont have /back.
I never said I was disagreeing with you. I was just commenting that I think first time players on the server should have to spawn in tutorial island. I think the /help chat command would be useful to those who are forgetful.