im suggesting maybe raising or at least not making pumps less than 1 each, since in 1.3 Eff V will be extremely rare, and u will start to see way less ppl making a lot of money from pumps. cause without Eff V i think u can max. make 12-14k an hour with pumps, making reeds way better and maybe too good with 26k per hour. it would make reeds the prefered farm, and causing most ppl to make reed farms, which was the same that ended up happening to pumpkins before the price change. now we have a fair amount of different farms including reed farms, melon farms, wheat farms and pumpkin farms all making around the same amount of money per hour, maybe with the exception of wheat. and i would like to see the same amount of variety in farms when 1.3 hits ECC.
Yeah, I love this idea, with Eff V leaving (Or being almost impossible to get) there MUST be some changes, hence pumpkins are behind other farms in the new update.