Minecraft Name: tcuomo41807 Suggestion: I suggest being able to use locked levers. Say johnny had a lever on a door. And only johnny wanted to be able to use that lever. Instead of going up the the lever type /cremove, then hitting it, then type /cprivate when he is done why not make it work like most other lwc's! Where if you type /cprivate only you can use the lever and turn it off and on. If you type /cpublic anyone can use the lever. You can even /cmodify so only certain people could use it. =D Johnny says, "great idea!" Reason: It is annoying having to remove the lwc, then put it back again when your done just to hit a lever. =D Also if you wanted someone else to use it, but not everyone; Then there is no way to do that besides the person being the to /cremove it. Any Other Information: Johnny says please Link To This Plugin: I do not know if one exists. :roll:
That would actually be very handy, but I see one flaw in your example about Johnny. If he really didn't like doing it, why wouldn't he lock the door? Even iron doors, when locked, don't need a lever. It works exactly like a regular wooden door, but other than that its great. It's annoying when you have lights that are supposed to stay off or on, so u lock the lever so no one can change it. Then as you suggested, he has to type /unlock then /lock (/cremove and /cprivate) which can be a real pain in the donkey
I agree! I installed a button to activate my wheat harvest and then locked it, only to find out i have to unlock it each time I'm ready to use it. Only reason I locked it was to keep someone from pushing the button (early, randomly, maliciously, accidently) and ruining my crop harvest. If I can lock a chest so only I can use it, why can't I lock a button/level so that only I can use it? RagMan
This is already part of the LWC plugin. After locking them, all you have to do is set the redstone flag to "ON" on both the lever/button and whatever the lever/button is operating (if applicable, i.e. door/etc.) http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Server_Commands#LWC_Commands
Yes vdub, but mine operates a bunch of redstone lights....So would I have to hit every piece of redstone and every light? *Thinks about Unlimited LWC*. This would be solved if it was a door or something I was trying to operate.
Well, no the only thing you can lock that is operated by a lever/button is a door/iron door. If you're just wanting to operate redstone lamps then I think all you need to do is set the flag on the lever/button and it should work. EDIT: I just tried it on my redstone lamp wheat farm, you actually need to /lock the lever and then turn the redstone flag "ON". The wiki is wrong, it's actually the opposite of what the wiki says. It definitely works though, just (/lwc flag redstone on) on your lever after you lock it and it works great. So basically do the following to your lever: Code: /lock /lwc flag redstone on
Good idea but then random people would lock the buttons for the safe and no one could open it. ^ shouldn't stop this idea from going through.
It already works. Its part of lwc. They added the redstone flag to lwc to prevent people from putting pressure plates/buttons/levers next to your locked doors and bypassing the lwc protection to open them.