Minecraft Name: SirSonic Suggestion:Being able to make team chests/doors that only your party can access with like a /cprivate command Reason: I have had a problem recently with having to cprivate and cmodify like 8 different people on a chest and it just takes forever to do it when you have like 10 different chests. I do this because we use the chests to share pvp loot and supplies throughout our team and I notice that I make mistakes quite often and forget to add someone to the chest. I would appreciate it if you made/added something like this. Link to Plugin: I can't find any plugin that does this.
Use /cpersist if you are trying to do multiple lwcs at one time. /cpersist /cmodify [name of person you are adding] Modify all of the locks by simply clicking on them /cpersist again to turn it off