Thread Title: ingame kit cooldown. Minecraft Name: dAtsheepd0e Suggestion: I suggest that we make kitters wait at least 10 seconds after grace period has ended to receive their kits. Reason: Kitters get their kits at the beginning of the game and literally stalk you until grace period ends so they can kill you. They often drink potions of invisibility so you don't see them.... If we add this in game wait time, it gives non-kitters a better chance. Other Information: n/a Link to this plugin: n/a
-1 kits aren't going to change. US non kit users have been given enough of a chance with the 1/8 nokit chance.
idk 10 sec is a lot of time to get away from the main cluster of people and keep an eye out for followers, I like this idea, though I am not confident it would get implemented.
I have kit Buffer Plus Plus, Complete Control Plus Plus and Spy, a total of $150 USD worth of kits, so yes.
Sounds like a good idea. 10 seconds is a decently long time to be able to get away, as using kits takes time as well. Kitters usually use their kits while people are milling around the center chests. It would be pretty cool if this idea was implemented
So you want to nerf the kit buffer even though they paid for it? Good idea but i cant see it being implemented. Thats like someone buying somethin for an advantage and then not being able to use it for an advantage lol. Kinda defeats the point of selling kits.
No, you are actually incorrect. Buffer stays as effective, as you can drink strength after 10 seconds. Grace period is 60 seconds long, allowing you to successfully use buffer before the killing starts. And most people use buffer (except for speed) after grace period ends or is about to end anyways. @Mission001
Ok, im not a SG player so when you are suggestion to delay features, it sounds like your making it a more equal playing field when people who paid for features should really have the advantage still, cause they paid money for them.
This would have the exact opposite affect. Non-kitters who know who has lots will follow those players off spawn and kill them when they are receiving there kits. Like for me, I would follow a big kitter, hit them a few times right after graceperiod, and if I'm still alive hit them a couple more times after the player has received there kits. So in my opinion this will have the opposite affect.
Just putting this out there, this will not take away "the whole point of buying kits." You still get to use the kits, right? And you still have a huge advantage over everyone without kits, right? The way I see this idea, people with kits just wont be able to kill you at the start as easily. They can still kill you after grace period, they can still follow you, but they just wont have their kits until 10 seconds after grace period. This is not "a huge advantage." Nor is it "pointless." I bet 99% of people without kits have been followed and killed in the start before. In fact, I bet some people with kits have too. If this idea was implemented, it would just give us a little more time to not die... People with kits will not get a disadvantage in this whatsoever, unless they follow people at the start waiting to kill them...