I remember as a builder dying a lot because I didn't have any food. I would search market, but I couldn't afford any prices. I did /kit starter as often as I could but 4 porkchops couldn't hold me over. I am suggesting we add a few trade signs selling food in the protected area of the mining world. Now I do realize that @Core_Diver has a farm, but Core isn't always online, and some builders don't want to put Core through all the hassle of teleporting to mining world and giving them carrots. If we were to add trade signs, (or "buy" signs), builders could have access to cheap food anytime If we were to add this, I would GLADLY donate tons of potatos!
+1 I like this, but don't forget this is a Hardcore Economy Server and it isn't supposed to be easy. The goal is to start off, earn money, and rank up. Other than that great suggestion and this would make it a little easier on those poor builders.
You can't actually die from hunger on ECC, so I am slightly confused by your claim that you died several times as a builder because of it. There is actually a food shop at spawn that sells food for nstars. You can get 32 cookies, 8 steak, 8 chicken, 8 pork or 8 fish, each option only costing 1 nstar.
Also I sell tons of food in station83 second floor of my building on the yellow road in the market, for much much much less than the food shop at spawn. You just gotta look around is all.
Well I guess I didnt die, but it lowered my health quite a bit. And I didn't know about that shop as a builder.
+1/-1 Yes, it would be nice for builders to get a little more food like 5 potatoes and 5 carrots, but, is it really needed? Most builders don't have to venture far from spawn before they want to buy a plot, which chances are, there is a farm/food supply there. And still, they will spend a lot of time at spawn, which you cannot die/burn/drown/starve at any point in time due to the "Invincibility Flag". Also, you cannot die from hunger on ECC. The closest thing you can get to dying is 5 hearts.
-1 All your really need is one carrot and the starter kit to make farm it's not really hard at all but that's just me.