My suggestion is that we bring back world edit. From what I understand I believe that users were able to apply for a area to be world edited. They would pay a certain amount, make an application and andrewkm would come along and world edit it. I am not sure why it was removed but I wish for it to come back. Why? It allows people to build bigger, build quicker, it would mean mayors could get on with creating there town rather than flattening it. I would love to hear your views and if you could answer any questions, please don't simply write -1 and leave it at that.
+1 i was actually going suggest this it was removed because andrew didn't have time to do them i think smods should be trained to do them or wewin can do them it takes alot of $$$$ out of the economy.
This has been suggested many times, and it will be denied. WorldEdits cause too much lag and will not work on ECC.
If the price was right only those that can afford it would apply for them, reducing the number of applications. You could also have like 20 minutes at an off peak time every week when wewin or Andrew will kick everyone off and then do the WorldEdits then allow everyone back on again. This would mean the lag is only temporary and does not affect the players whilst they are online.
They won't kick everyone off, lol. It's simply to much of a hassle, it takes too much time, and it causes too much lag. It would disrupt the gameplay of over 300 players.
Or just do WEs when regenerating the mining world and have a limit of 10-20 applications per WE period.
Also remember Ecc's map is over1.5 years old, and WE causes chunk issues. That was one of the reasons it was removed, If i remember correctly.
It would create lag for maybe 100 people instead of 300, it's still horrible lag. World edit was removed because people were trying to get their whole farms built with worldedit, or they wanted a giant cube of clay/gravel in their town for excavation, people took the worldedit thing for granted.
Short answer: WE is not coming back. Long answer: WE is not coming back, ever. This is why I got my town world edited while I still could. Although I would love for it to come back myself, I know the reasons why it won't come back and theirfore never expect it to come back.
If WorldEdits are priced correctly most will opt for hiring people as it will be cheaper. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
A World Edit causes a MASSIVE lag spike. We can't be having that. If you don't want to do the manual digging/placing yourself, just pay someone to do your terraforming. There are people willing to do it.