Because anyone can place water nowadays and the only advantage water has is you get a kit and no cooldown it would be cool if we just consolidated water and water+ into one feature, water. To keep water+ people from getting angry we could give them pyro or pyro+ (if they have pyro). This was just a quick thought so give your feedback below!
You can't drown/suffocate. To the suggestion, -1, then we'll have people with water+ getting annoyed, it's fine as is. Water users also have a significant advantage over those without it anyway.
I don't know when we'll stop with the water -> water+ and water+ -> pyro/pyro+ chain of events. If you can find a stopping point to that chain I will +1 the suggestion, I have water and I'm kinda disappointed that I paid for it and now it's free to everyone, but at the same time I'm happy that one of the major reasons for builders to quit the server has now vanished.