minecraft Name:Aaron0119 Suggestion:i suggest that they add a /vote restart and after so many votes the sever will restart. Reason:I am not saying there is lag right now but if there is and no game admins are on and its lagging the people can vote to restart. Any Other Information:this poll will last for 14 days aka 2 weeks Link To This Plugin:n/a
If there is lag, the server restarts every 2 hours. If it needs a restart immediately, then the staff will usually call someone who can restart the server. -1
No. Can be greatly abused eg. Get a group of players all to type /vote restart every time the server comes up.
Some people could be AFK and the server might never restart. Or there could be a group of people who want to abuse this feature. Sorry, this isn't going to happen.
Actually, this would be an awesome idea...do it like the House of Reps in the US do, if 51% or more of the server does /vote restart, then the server should restart. This would be AWESOME.
nononono, this could be abused. GameAdmins are nearly always available, and other staffmembers can contact them. Or you can ping me on IRC, I am available there around 12 hours a day.
sorry to say it but no why you may ask some people (aka big grifeing teams) can invite all there fans and tell them to do /vote restart and keep doing it thus making it impossible to play!
Do it something like this: After 51% of the server says "Hey, we want a restart!" via the votes, it sends a notification via Staff Channel, then, the staff knows the server wants it. Then, it prevents abuse from the players, therefore, it would work! Eh?
it will be abused not matter what it does, plus it might even cause more lag. i say let the mods do what they are supposed to do, let them decide not the users.