Minecraft Name: sick24 Suggestion: Making a command maybe like /sg list, where it will show all info about the 4 SG arena. It might appear like this: Arena 1: Ingame 12/12/24 Ingame 15 min 2 Seconds Type sg join 1 to get into the queue Basically an exact replica of what you find at spawn Reason: It would make it a lot easier then going to spawn and having to look at the boards to figure out about when a game will be over Any Other Information: I just find it a big bother to have to interrupt what im doing, go to spawn, look at the boards all just to have to figure out when I should plan on being ready for an arena to open Link To This Plugin: As compliemts of the Devs, the SG plug-in already exists, I believe I am correct in saying that this would have to be coded by our very own developers but I may be worng