Minecraft Name: Clob1296 Suggestion: I think there should be a tycoon only forum. Reason: The tycoons can talk without the presidents being able to talk in the forum. So the tycoons can create a secret plan to take over EcoCityCraft.
I'm gonna say... no. :b President section and lower sections are already very dead - imagine how dead the Tycoon section will be with only a few Tycoons. Maybe when there is more, but at the moment it will further stretch the forum and be a very dead section.
Builders spam enough places and can't keep threads into the right sections... :b Only chances I want to see happen with the "private" sections is Resident and Mayor combined; then maybe President and Tycoon combined. Or, if there /was/ a builder section... Builder/Resident+, Mayor/President+, Tycoon+?