Minecraft Name: WeirdBuilder Suggestion: A channel dedicated to the Tycoons+ Reason: The reason behind this? There's no perks to Tycoon and Ecoleader aside from a fancy tag. Adding this would be enjoyable for the Tycoons+ to be able to talk to eachother, without adding to the the already large amount of spam in global. Maybe even talk about our secrets to success? Other Information: Even though nobody below president would care about this, It'd add a small but fun perk for the Tycoons and Ecoleaders. Plus, It will add some motivation to actually spend the 500k on Tycoon, which will help the economy. Link to this plugin: N/A
I love this idea! There are a lot of Tycoon+ now, so it makes some sense. Also, this will encourage a lot of people to spend the 500k to get tycoon and remove money from the economy.
*Says all the tycoon+s* Personally, a town chat channel would be better imo, since a tycoon+ chat channel would just give tycoon a benefit, which it really shouldn't have. It's a rank for show. If anyone out there wants to make a town called "tycoon" and a chat channel "tycoon", I'd be more than happy with that. In fact, might even do it myself if I get a bit more from lotto. *Says the staff member ecoleader*
I personally like this idea. It would add that little something to Tycoon/Ecoleader that makes it that much better. +1 for sure
Well... I wouldn't spend $500,000 on tycoon for a chat channel but I still think there should be one since it would be a nice perk.
Ehhh... Aside from all the Tycoon posts (and that tycoon-bias ) I don't really like it. First off, we're going to have to invent a new rainbow if we want a color for a new channel. There are no colors that don't burn your eyes or aren't already used. But really, we all know that it'll be as useless as the Game Admin channel that no one uses. First two weeks will be mild use. Then no one will touch it. There usually aren't more then 10 tycoons/ecoleaders online at the same time. Max server usage time, possibly 15, maybe 20, at a stretch, 25, with mod tycoons+ecoleaders. You can't make a chat channel of 20, some of which don't chat.
I would also like to mention that not all Staff are Tycoon+... What about moderating? Being that it would become a chat of the server (rather than "of a user," like a town chat), Staff would need access to moderate it. As well, the whole point of Tycoon and Ecoleader is to show off a tag that proves that you are a person "with a lot of money" or "rich." Even if not at the moment, you once were. That's simply it. Tycon and Ecoleader are more of titles, rather than ranks. Ranks get perks, titles don't.
Don't staff have access to all channels anyway? it would be like a mod that hasn't donated still being aloud in donator chat
"All" being anything except town channels. And I do not know for sure if Staff can access Donator chat or not, as almost all Staff have always been donators. However, if they can, then yes, in theory, Staff could get access to a Tycoon+ channel, assuming the permissions aren't much different. However, even if it can be added - and assuming it was active - that is even more for the Staff to handle. Although it may seem easy to watch every channel, it is not. Right now, watching Trade, Auction, Donator, Global, Local, Lottery, sometimes town channels, PVP/HG channels, Aether or Nether, etc. is really difficult (I don't even know if I am forgetting anything). Adding another channel would, in theory, be painful, because it would add more chatting that needs watched.
You could at least give them a place in the forums like Presidents+ discussion except for tycoons+ only!