Minecraft Name: Darcebaug Suggestion: ECC should use the Treasure Hunt plugin, and make it active in the PvP and/or Mining World. Reason: This plug-in is a lot of fun, and if put in place exclusively in the PvP world would really encourage folks to not only go there more, but be able to acquire items and money while doing it, making a sort of thrill of the hunt in that you could come across an enemy or gang at any moment that you would be unsure of your ability to take on. It could be fun in the Mining world as well, but I think players there already have a good enough source of revenue with no sense of danger, making it unnecessary. Any Other Information: The obvious issue is that this would quickly generate random materials and money that otherwise would not have existed. The resolution can be in the types of materials that randomly fill the chest, and the money amount is easily controlled. If you make the only way to hunt include using a hunt item, which has a random chance of being consumed, you can make the hunt item nether stars to promote voting while also offsetting the money that would be generated that way anyway. It could also be another unique item that required purchase from the server in order to allow the amount of money being generated to be offset by the cost of hunt entry. Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-mods/treasurehunt/
I'm going to have to disagree on this one for a couple reasons. 1-users can make it themselves 2-it inserts free stuff into the economy 3-more plugins = lag
Sounds like fun! Who knows, maybe they'll be able to invent new donation features that can be used in this game mode as well. But because there is already a "hunger games" game mode available, if that's what you want to call it, adding another one will make the lag worse for the server(or at least that's what I hear all the time).
To respectfully disagree; 1 - The hunt creation commands can be disabled, as the plugin is highly customizable. 2 - The free stuff can be offset by disabling the /hunt command, making the only way to find out your distance to the item through unique hunt items which the server could provide in the netherstar store or make a donation kit as these unique items can also be randomly consumed when used. 3 - On the whole, this plugin has considerably less lag addition than most any other server game out there, due to the low demands an of an additional interval randomized effect.