Minecraft Name: Mr360zack Suggestion: trading items has always been risky, It can be hard to find a Place to trade that your item won't be stolen. So here is my idea: /trade command, Example: /trade Andrewkm CocoaBean 1 300 Which would send a request to Andrewkm Saying: Mr360zack has requested to give you 1 cocoa bean in return for $300. Type /Tradeaccept To accept. Reason: Trading has been a hassle if you don't have tpa, This will simplify trading and make it safer to garuntee Safe tradin of items. Any Other Information:I don't have a plugin link, I don know if anyone could find/Develop one @KHobbits but This is just a idea. Link To This Plugin: N/A Please. Comment. Be cometely Honosted.
Like the idea alot, but check this out as well: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=19710 newarrior's idea doesn't need to have another plugin created/installed. Andrew has openly said no new plugins would be placed on the server due to lag issues unless it is absolutely necessary. My suggestion is to pick a random portal on a random floor, or one of the build portals and do business there.
I have a room like lavajok's link in my town, which is just past wall street outside of spawn and open to anyone (no locked levers). The problem is people seem lazy, they wont go make a /cprivate box in the wild to trade, or even a trade sign, or they wont get a tp to a safe area. They seem to insist on doing it in the middle of spawn or at the mining world gates. Tthere are plenty of trading options already available that dont include the pay and drop method. The idea is good, but may not go anywhere without a plug-in to install the ability, or a developer willing to work on it. RagMan