Suggestion: TP In Aether! Why should we allow this? First of all, Aether is a place for building. Let's say you want someone to help you build, and the good land you find is far out. You cannot /tpahere the person: You have to lead them/ give them co-ords. They then have to walk far and wide to get to you, and most people aren't willing to do that. Second, fly is sort of expensive. Many people cannot afford it, and the only way to get around fast is to fly. Why not include tp into the mix? Third, what if you want to show off your buildings? Just like the first part, walking for what seems to be forever will happen. Finally, Mining World has tp. This place is a place with: No locks, mobs out at night, and used to have pvp. If a dangerous world can have tp, so can Aether, no? Overall, we need tp to hire workers, show off our finished builds on the server for people who want to see it "in person", and it just simply makes sense. Thanks for reading! Any further comments?: Like and vote if you agree! Let's get tp in the aether!
Yes and No There could be some way into getting into the aether and nether without having access to them. I think having to take a portal there ensures that a user has actually infact bought that rank. I know it's a pain to walk everywhere. i'm not sure if you mean from Main world To Aether, which is what I'm saying no to. I'm for yes on adding a seperate tp commands such as /tpa(a/n) (username) n=nether a=aether. That would ensure that you must be in that world to use that commands and such. That would be much less buggy but something andrew might not be willing to implement just yet or at all.
Glackmore Let's say I want to tp someone that isn't a Pilot/Captain in the Aether with my /tpahere command. I would be restricted somehow
You can block cross world teleportation using a permission node a part of essentials. You can also block it for specific worlds.