Minecraft username: subxplorer Suggestion: I know that there is a town list in the wiki. But I think it would be nice if there was a portal directory sorted alphabetically by town. That way you know can easily get to a town or location on the map. You could add this info to each town on the the wiki. Or you could make a simple list/directory and even have posted as a sticky under the town discussion forum. Suggested Format: Town:............Portal Location: Eltos...............Floor 19, Red Line, Left/Back* Hillside.......... Floor 19, Blue Line, Back/Right* Epigraph....... Floor 19, Green Line, Right/Front* *Orientation based on teleport into portal room...(ex. "back"would be behind the spawn portal...your back is to the spawn portal while standing in the town portal room) So if it was Left/Back you would go to the left side of the room then to the back. If it was Back/Left you would go to the back first and then to the left. It could be more specific but I think this would be enongh information to easily find a portal. If towns have a shared portal that could easily be shown as well.
You could take it upon yourself to initiate this. You could record the portals and post your finding in the general and towns sections, as well as here for submission to the wiki. I'm happy to help if your prepared to do this.
Over the next couple days after my exams, I will be working on a wiki page for this in a sortable table format :3