Ok, so i read a couple threads and i see that sometimes towns get unowned by players when they are banned or inactive. So I thought, why not auction them off. This suggestion is to make a new thread and andrewkm has a thread for each town. If a person wants to bid on a town they can fill out a form like: IGN: Do you have the sufficant amount of money: Amount bidding: This will be to make sure that the bid is submmited and any bifd that is not sumbited like this it will be not taken. At the end Andrew can go online take mioney away and grant the ownership to the winner of the town. I think that this will take money out of the server and will be good for residents in the town that are worried they don't have any owners to do rollbacks for them if the owner is inactive.
What if the player was to return after a ban appeal, or there are residents in the town, if you sell the town the residents can be evicted, if the player returns they may quit anyway due to losing there town. Andrewkm does not support town sales so I don't see why he would do this. Personally I don't see the point, there is plenty of land, many other towns for sale, so no reason to sell a banned player's town. -1 And also don't tag andrewkm.
I disagree with this suggestion mostly because of the fact that the inactive/banned user can return to the server. Not all players who are inactive have quit the server. For a while I was inactive simply because I was too busy with school and other things to have time to actively play on the server. Many people who go inactive may just be taking a break or have become preoccupied with sports or school and may be planning to return and be an active member of the server once again. If that user comes back to find out that all of his/her possession have been auctioned off to another user because they did not have the time to play on the server that user would likely rage and quit due to it. As far as banned users are concerned, many users who are banned have the option to appeal the ban. If a banned user does put in an appeal and it is accepted and he/she comes online to find out that during his/her ban his/her town was auctioned off and all of his/her belongings sold that user would most likely quit the server. As far as rollbacks are concerned, if I am not wrong, any member of the town is able to apply for a rollback if he/she is griefed and he/she puts in a grief report.
I would love for this to happen because there are so many towns with either inactive or banned owners, i think selling the town is a good idea. +1
How about Perma banned members such as accusolHD. If a member is still active then keep them, otherwise if their perma banned then sell the town.
This wouldn't take money out of the economy. If someone bought the town for $500,000 and it turns out that there is over $10 million in town builds and chests, that would throw away $500,000 but then give the $10 million over to the owner.