Minecraft Name: Fleetfooter Suggestion: Adding the ability to place TNT in the mining world. Reason: There could be many possible reasons for TNT to be added to the mining world: 1. As everyone knows, mining world is also a big area for pvp. TNT would add a new aspect to the way of pvping in the mining world. 2. Some people use TNT to mine, I'm not sure how they do it..but oh well it works. 3. There would be people, (me) that would just like to make explosions!! Any Other Information: nope Link To This Plugin: N/A
+1 i like the idea, it would also add more value to gunpowder, and TNT.... But it depends on how it is implemented : p
Andrewkm said, in the beginning of the mining world, that every rotation, TNT would be allowed one week before the reset of the Mining world. Such never happened, but i think it'd be a great addition.
How about if you place 10 in under a minute you get a warning. Don't want someone crashing the server... And placement of 50 in 5 mins is a ban or something. But yyere will be kicks and warnings in between
As it is, the mining world is reset once a month anyway. Lately it seems like twice a month. Adding TNT would be nice. +1
I support this idea, although it'll create tons of more death holes, it will provide for a use of those Death Holes; I.E; TnT Traps, Sand + Tnt, Pressure Plates ect. This will also provide players with more things to look out for when doing Player Vs Player. It adds more Destruction, and more options. This would be a great addition. +1
probably wont happen with the server lag atm might be a good idea in 1.4 but there would have to be a place limit like 10 per person or something.