Hello, Recently, I surveyed quite a few users on their thoughts about in-game swearing (being that this is a large debate these days.) I mostly surveyed [at random] either Staff Team or users whom have been on EcoCityCraft for atleast 1 year. Anyways, the question I asked each of these users was "I am surveying a few users on their thoughts about in-game swearing. I would love to know you thoughts on this recent debate." After asking 12 users their thoughts, here are the responses I received. lavajok, "Personally, I think we should be stricter on it because it is a lot like hashtags. Once someone does it, it only leads to more people spamming it. It seems once you allow 1 curse word people start "slipping" up with more ones. So, I think we should crackdown, but rules are rules and we have to allow certain words." revanrose6, “I don't think it is necessary and if we allow it, it will only cement some players beliefs that it is acceptable. Yet, I know completely disallowing it will upset players. Half of the server thinks we are too lenient and half of the server thinks we are too strict. Therefor, there really is no winning.” SonnyCPretzel, “I honestly don’t care. It’s just Minecraft chat, now while there are younger kids on this server, they will be exposed to it sometime in their lives. I do not necessarily “support” cursing, it just does not bother me. If cursing is directed towards anybody (which is illegal), I do believe action should be taken.” tomicalover, “I think it should be legal, but limited to a certain amount. Perhaps not on global, auction, trade, or spawn local. PMing and town local seems fine. Cursing lets people take some steam off. We shouldn’t completely take it all away.” pbrassat17, “I like how we are currently going with not allowing the F word, anything sexual, or racist, and that is the rest is excessive a warning.” outerlocal, “Well, I personally don’t approve of it, but anything excessive, mods will usually step in. I do not think it is much of a problem how it is now.” voiD_yO, "I personally think swearing should not be allowed at all. Not even the occasional slip-up because you could speak ti instead of type." rosypolly, "I think that besides for basic cursing (Ex. Crap, damn, hell) it should be warned for. Our current rules reflect my feelings well." WiKiDOne, "Basically, everything has its place and time. Global and Local chat are not the place, but in PM with your friend I am okay with." Berserk_on_xbl, "It's situational, I deal with it as it happens. I am not against it, but it needs to be limited." newarrior, "It's against the rules, don't do it." Thanks to all users whom I surveyed for answering my questions thoughtfully and with cooperation. As you can see, every user has a different opinion on this subject. Which is respectable, since everyone has the right to their own opinion. Even I have a different opinion than many of these users. If everyone could post their opinions below that would be great, but please do not make this a flame thread. It is here for the discussion for for flaming. Thank you for your cooperation. The majority of these users agree that the rules that we have now are appropriate for ECC, but many others say we need some sort of sprucing up to these rules and/or stricter rules. I myself, agree to the rules we have now, but would love a few additions and clarifications. (If you do not know the rules we have against Vulgarity and Inapproriate Subjects here they are.) For instance, these additions and clarifications would be... Clarify that occasional slip-ups in unfortunate situations must be accidental, not purposeful. Clarify that some abbreviations are disallowed like “stfu” because it is normally directed towards a user. Clarify that swearing directed towards another user is considered bullying, which ECC does not allow whatsoever. Add “Swearing is allowed in PM/Town Chat Channels with your friends, as long as it is not directed towards them.” Add “Swearing is not allowed in any of these chat channels unless accidental. Global, Auction, Trade, and Local.” Add “Swearing in any of the chat channels above will result in a warning Add a [general] list of the swear words that are disallowed in a spoiler, so that users actually have to go looking for them and not just find them when scrolling on the ECC Wiki. Add a [general] list of the swear words that are allowed. (Ex. damn & hell) Add “All rules are the same for everyone. Just because a Moderator might have missed 1 user swearing does not mean that user was allowed to swear.” Add “EcoCityCraft does not support swearing. We do have a few things that are allowed, but are not suggested.” These are just a few additions/clarifications that I believe should be made. I could go on and on with this, but I am stopping here. I think you should get the general concept of this. This is my suggestion and I have the right to my opinion. Please do not post here if you have nothing nice to say. Please post information that you think should be added, I will check it out as soon as I can. As for these additions/clarifications I have my own reasoning behind every single one of them. If asked to, I would be happy to add them some time soon. For the users whom do not agree with this and believe some rules should be removed are welcome to post their own suggestion. There is no need to post on mine.
so basically what i read this to mean "please don't argue with me" this is precisely why you cannot tolerate less than savory language. i'm not flaming, im just pointing out the lack of being able to be criticized is very similar to the lack being able to tolerate thoughts dissimilar to your own. just sayin i also want it stated that i have neither argued for or against what you have set forth in this thread
I believe what he was getting at, was that if you want to make a suggestion to remove the cursing rules, make a new thread, not "don't argue with me". Also do not flame the suggestion, post constructive criticism not "This is dumb". At least that's how I understood it. +1 Blowtube. Very impressive. Although, we do have guidelines for punishments that are kept private for staff. And like many circumstances, it is really judged on a case by case basis. Overall, you have a good suggestion and can tell you have spent some time thinking this over.
1) We are unable to tell if something is accidental or purposeful. We could guess, but we do not moderate by such questionable guessing. 2) I am not sure about "stfu," as more people use it playfully than meanly (as well, the "f" could be "freak," which is not a swear). Personally, I am on the wall with this one. 3) I am not sure it needs to be clarified that swearing towards someone is bullying. The rule already says that you cannot swear at a user at all; so unless that sentence is shortened with that addition, the rule will become unnecessarily long (it is already very long and many users probably don't want to read it). 4) Not... Really for this one, actually. Maybe "a little more leniency." People can still have friends who do not approve of swearing, are young, etc. As well, anyone could be added to a Town Chat at any time. 5 & 6) Again, unless this can be added without extending the rule unnecessarily, I don't think it is needed. 7) On the wall with this one, too. I think the rules are already trying to be as child-friendly as possible with language (hard to do when it comes to mentioning disallowed discussion topics). As well, I am not sure the Wiki can have spoiler tags. :/ 8) Maybe add in a few that we will allow for slip-ups (as of right now, a Staff thing with our protocols) for examples; but not as a list. Just another bullet point with the "what we do allow," bu specified and short. 9) As no one really reads the rules it is, I am not sure this needs to be added. Once someone sees someone else get warned for swearing, they already know it isn't allowed. This would also imply that a lot of the Staff are biased/have favoritism, which is not a good first impression for anyone who does read the rules. 10) ECC as a whole, as the Staff, or as Andrewm? I disagree with this. Whoever "ECC" is, neither is totally for "no swearing." Many users like swearing; some Staff like swearing (although they censor themselves); and I know Andrew swears (anyone having been on voice with him may know this by now). If anything, maybe along the lines of, "EcoCityCraft tolerates [very] minimal swearing, however some words and phrases are not tolerated." I will let the other Staff know to check out this thread, as it is kind of a "summary" of the other thread, with its own type of discussion. However, I am not sure anything will be changed with the current rule (although, it could stand to be rewritten). I would like to see it split into two rules/two sections under the rule. One about vulgar language/topics, another about swearing. Currently, the rule kind of jumps from one to the other without a proper transition.
While I am rather offended you didn't ask my opinion blowtube123 , since I was practically the main one posting on the other thread, debating at the front of the "no swearing" crowd. I'll look it over. Anyway, on to the debate! This is one of the problems we have. Many mod "secrets" are floating around behind the scenes. Normal users aren't allowed to know how they work. Many users feel uneasy about certain rules, and that could possibly be cleared up if we knew a bit more about these guidelines. And here comes the big one D:
I really do not feel the need for a rule adjustment. Nobody is getting offended by it. And if a child sees it? Whoopie. They're going to be exposed to it later on in life, why not in a closed environment where it is kept to a limit.
We've been over both of these before. 1. There are people getting offended by it, myself for a start. 2. Just because they get exposed to it later, doesn't mean they should get exposed to it now. It also means that parents that see it floating around here might not want their kids exposed to it, no matter if they get exposed later in life.
Majority of people don't mind it. So its likely not going to change. Plus people should just learn to live with it. Its not really a big deal. You are making it seem way worse than it really is. Killing is taught in schools, but a BAD WORD? COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.
Hello, I agree to this to a certain extent. I would say that the occasional slip up should be allowed (Assuming not directed at anyone and also not an extremly vulgar word) However, as you quote void- you should just say it rather then typing it. This is coming from someone who has never sweared at all, i think that people should just say fudge instead of f*** if they even decide to say it at all. zedoker
As I have said in the suggestion I made, I don't care either way. The fact that moderators are going against what the rules say, frustrates me. Also as said in my suggestion, either stop warning people for it, or change the rule. Simple, but people make a huge debate over it.
I agree with runakilli. I really don't mind what people say. The rules say that slip-ups are allowed if they aren't directed at anyone, yet some people are still warned for it.
Except when people aren't breaking rules. If they're not breaking a rule, a moderator should not have a say in it, unless of course the moderator is saying something as a normal player, and not warning them, etc. I know I'm being blunt, but I am being honest and that is my opinion in the matter.