Minecraft Name: CHOMPIN_02 Suggestion: Change the AD's on the website. Reason: They are a little inappropriate for little one's, the one's.... That I can't say what it says, it is that inappropriate. Any Other Information: Maybe just get the AD's from a little more appropriate source. Link To This Plugin: There has to be somewhere else to get these ads. THIS IS REALLY NEEDED AS MY FREIDNS WATCH ME PLAY AND THERE ARE OTHERS THAT ARE YOUNGER.
I'm pretty sure if this particular banner ad was discussed in global the mods would warn the user discussing it.
If we are thinking about the same one, yeah ive read it Its a 4 letter word and it starts with "O" ... although i don't seem to remember it being served to me on the forums, just on the voting sites. I don't necessarily remember the ads being served on the forums because they way down there. And I'm pretty sure that no admin here can do much about the ads being served on the voting sites.
We can't control ads on voting sites. For ECC, we can... I think. Google AdSense gives you ads based on your personal preference and searches. In this case, gaming websites will give you ads based on gaming. You have the option to mute these ads. Hover over them and click on the X. Or use AdBlock like everyone else.
I literally haven't "Seen" an ad in about two years until you mentioned this thread. Ignore them, and you wouldn't even notice them.
Not everyone uses AdBlock, you your self just downloaded it a couple of days ago, lol. But AdBlock is a good idea if you really are bothered by the Ad's, and can't ignore them.
i think his point is that the sometime mature nature of these ads are unsuitable for the audience its being delivered to. little kids don't ignore taboo subjects, they intensely focus on them.
actually i installed kittyblock as per Iaccidently's advice. I replaced the cat pictures with pictures of Neil DeGrasse Tyson quotes.
I think this suggestion is good yet an ironic one, the ads that are displayed, are chosen from what you mostly search online, so if it is inappropriate, you are at fault
Pretty sure I don't search for games about the erotic ecapades of ancient romans. I mean unless ive been taking way too much ambien again...
Ads are not very controllable. If you are seeing inappropriate ads, someone else on your computer is likely searching for those things... All - most, at least - advertisements stem from things it finds within in your browser searches (cookies/cache/etc). AdBlock is the best idea, as others are suggesting. Some browsers have better AdBlock options than others.
#Adblock4lyfe. But really though, it takes 10 seconds and ads are gone on everything from ECC, Voting Sites, to YouTube.
I agree with this. And I disagree with adblockers. If I have to resort to an Adblocker, here, on Ecocitycraft...Well, I might as well tear down my computer and throw it out. Because I know for certain that no one on this computer looks at this stuff. You may say otherwise, you might claim someone has looked at it behind my back, ect. But your wrong. Period. I never play these games, never look at them. Period. No one else does. Period. Only recently have I started seeing these ads on ECC. As for ignoring Ads, I do ignore them, never seen them, until something like this catches my eye and I go "Uh oh, why in the world is that on ECC?"
It's under the "gaming" category. That's why. It doesn't get extremely specific, so AdSense puts all games into one category. There isn't a "kid's games", "adult games", "2D games" thing. It's just all games.
Same here. No one else has used my computer and I have NO CLUE what the ad's mean... Like the words or anything. I do not do anything other than minecraft and skype on my computer.