Minecraft Name: hankwai98 Suggestion: requires players to pay tax on a certain basis, (income taxes on a logged-on-hours-basis, and property tax on a weekly basis)and interests on daily basis. (of course, only the time when the person stays online is calculated) Reason: Every economy has to have taxation, whether it is income taxs, property taxes, insurance tax (?) or any kinds of taxes. It prevents inflation, and second of all, prevents rich people from getting richer without laboring themselves, and make people more productive. They will b required to work before getting money by any means. Especially when u can get 30k per hour just by sitting there and letting ur workers go to work. Having interests adds more way to gain money in ecocitycraft. :? Any Other Information: Taxation$ being calculated in percentages or is to be set at a certain ammount either according to the rank or the income. Think of adding a tax to donation features, as one extra income taxes donators will recieve. Link To This Plugin:N/A, hard to find a suitable plugin, assume it would increase the ammount of lag. (Cons )
Because last time you said you would think about it everyone got absolutely furious with the suggestion and you never even looked at it again! That and the fact that if there was such a fiasco with the price changes, you'd have hell from adding a tax to people who have never felt a tax before on the server. Especially from me! Its, perhaps, one of the worst suggestions and we all know you're just trying to make us all itch in our pants by trolling us
I very much like this suggestion, especially becouse you made very clear how this could be implemented in the game and, to me me, it sounds like a viable option. This would make more money to the people who actually work hard to earn money. +1 Just for that. Make the interest decrease on the rank, but also on the properties (towns) you buy, maybe the people who live in it, or maybe (probably not, but it would be very cool) based on youre actually money income (farming, mining.. etc..). If the interest lowered only based on the rank, people would simply purchase the it and to nothing else. Also you could make it so that if you work extra hard for a week, you can earn a positive interest over youre balance. I can image a new money income rising in ECC, based on loans, taxes, shares.. etc.... To be honest I wouldnt even post here if I hadn't seen andrekm's post. Otherwise I didn't actually believe something like this would be added. (Andrekm's post=seal of aproval XD) Meh worth trying right?
Of course, how will we know how much a person makes a day? And if it is based on ranks what if the person makes no money or buys anything? If it is based on property people can have several plots and be broke, then waht would we do? Arrest them? Ban them for not making money? I think this wouldn't be a very good idea in the long run, think about it, builders who are just trying to make a 10x10 farm would have to not only pay for the plot, but also having to pay tax to the server (Which has infinite money). Over all i think this would be a bad idea so...... -1
Well if your trying to make this like a real economy with taxes I think its a good idea, but in real life tax money doesn't just disappear into a server it is used for construction projects or public schools, etc. If there was something that this tax money could be used for that is beneficial to everyone then people wouldn't be opposed to the idea. I have no idea what the money could be added to or how that would be possible, but I do like the concept of trying to make it more like a real economy.
They said that when we tried to change the prices in a big way and there was practically a riot. Can you imagine what would happen, when everyone on the server was upset because they're now all losing their hard-earned money?
Ok while you make some good points, it’s just going to cause a huge mess no one wants to deal with. Just look at the amount of fuss taxes are in real life. (Well at least in the us) There needed in real life, but not needed on the server so what’s the point of brining that huge mess here for so little gain?
A rıot? Yes there were alot of ınfurıated people regardıng the prıce change, but dont forget thıs ıs a game, an onlıne communıty and people should be mature and handle changes lıke thıs. Loosıng they're hard money? It's a tax. If you work hard, ıt becomes an ıncome. People who are onlıne more and actually do work on theyre farms mınes... etc should be rewarded wıth a posıtıve tax. Youre are makıng valıd poınts and ım just defendıng an ıdea that wıll never become more then that but to be honest I have hardly played on the server sınce the prıce decrease. I stıll love ECC and ıts communıty but now ıt has become very hard to make money and ım tıred of the concept: farm-buy a rank-farm more-kep farmıng.. etc.. I feel lıke ım goıng nowhere. The other day I made a house taht took me 3 days two buıld and I only got lıke... 4k (not sure) for ıt. Also thıs economy ıs becomıng mor and more unrealıstıc. Even ıf you decrease the pumpkın prıce the economy ıs stıll unbalanced. Theyi just exchange pumpkın farmıng for wheat, exchange one addcıtıon for another. Thıs ıs the way I see thıngs rıght now. You can dısagree or agree wıth me, but taxes would be a pretty amazıng addıtıon. I've never seen a server wıth anythıng lıke ıt, the closest thıng would maybe be the servers that pay x amount of money/hours onlıne. We can't fear change, we should embrace ıt. ^Thıs too. Also a good poınt. Correct me ıf ım wrong, but even though money ıs added trough taxes, ıt ıs also draıned trough taxes.
Maybe a money system for nations and only the presidents can use it and its for pvp, portals, and other things. It would make the server more real. Also the presidents/mayors can deside how they want to tax their residents.
Too bad that will never happen because this is the internet. Our server consists of a majority share of the members being under the age of even 16, and because of that they're going to whine, complain, and cry until cows fly over the moon.
So basically saying, most people will whine and complain FOREVER because cows won't be flying over the moon
NO TAX If a tax where ever to be implemented then we need some form of government If we gonna have a tax with no government then what the hell are we a Monarchy?
so the purpose of this suggestion is what? i read the reasoning and everything, but since it's not actually going towards improvement of the server---you know what, lets swap out minecraft/server terms for real world terms. the government only collects taxes from citizens in order for it to run and supply the people with security, basic necessities, and other trivial items. these are all tangible items in some form or another and it costs to implement and maintain these items for the citizenry. if the items are intangible then the citizenry would be simply paying for philosophical ideababble, which isn't useful to anyone one bit. that being said, unless somehow these "taxes" go toward funding an official server trivia in which taxes pay for prizes (money isnt lost from the economy, because it returns in some form or another, which is basically the same thing as lotto with some differences), but even then the server, or government, has an unlimited supply of money since it made the rules and can act expansionary or contractionary depending on how the economic fluctuates in order to determine pricing of items due to supply and demand. ultimately the taxes idea won't work because since we're in a completely closed monetary system in which there is no currency cap for the government (e.g. andrew injecting a free 10k into superlotto a few days ago--it was all lost anyways due to some unfriendly folk who decided to traipse around the server like calvin on mini-snow people; beside the point--which further shows that the currency isnt getting inflated or deflated due to increased money supply or lack of money supply.