Minecraft Name: TMgrinder Suggestion: Yahoo sucks - 15 min delay sucks. Nasdaq.com is better - real-time data all the time for free. Revamp stock trader by improving the data pulled and the sites used. If I understand correctly, the 3-day wait period to sell is due to abuse - I believe that the sites below would remove the need for the 3-day wait period (I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong). Also, dividends should be implemented. Reason: I really like the idea of stock trader, but the current implementation is "halfway there" i.m.o. Nasdaq.com provides real-time quotes before, during, and after normal trading hours. With proper 'data pulling', stock trader should be able to be automated to pull from the following sites, ultimately turned on and off with the server clock (so no trading after 8pm and before 4am or on market holidays). http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/tsla - This is the overview page. Lots of data here can be utilized. http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/tsla/premarket - This is the premarket page. Lots of data here can be utilized to enable pre-market trading (4:00 to 9:30 am). http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/tsla/real-time - This is the realtime quote page. Lots of data here could be utilized to improve normal daytime trading/investing. (9:30 am to 4:00pm) http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/tsla/after-hours - This is the after hours page. Lots of data here could be utilized to keep the market open later in the evening (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm) http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl/dividend-history - This is the dividend history page (yes, I switched from TSLA, no dividend history). If stock trader could pull this data from any stock owned by a player, then automated dividends should be possible. I think you already have the stock market holidays correct but I could be wrong - here is a list of those https://www.nyse.com/markets/hours-calendars - I couldn't locate this data on Nasdaq, but NYSE is equally or moreso reliable. I foresee someone mentioning about the in-game charting. I believe nasdaq has a site for that too, but an actual trader would use external charting software.
It costs money to get real time information. You can only get real time information on their own sites, but any 3rd party has to use their real time stream, which costs money. Basically, anyone who wants to create or host an application that requires a real time datafeed needs to pay up. EDIT: Unless anyone happens to know a free real time stock trader datafeed service
Maybe the ECC Stock Trader should remain exactly as it is, except when a user buys or sells a security, it extracts data from one of those sites and that is the data used for the transaction (rather than the 15-minute old data). Would that be possible? (I.e. No persistent real-time data feed, just a snapshot every now and then.) I've created spreadsheets that run web data queries, so I know it's possible to get the data personally... I do not know if it is possible to use that data with ECC's infrastructure.