Minecraft Name: Legoking236 Suggestion: a stock-market for ECC Reason: Well I believe there is multiple reasons for the additions of a stock market to ECC as it could add a new sort of realism to our economy, give businesses better funding, and create a new sector to the economy that does not rely on mining/farming/enchanting Realism, we dub our selves as minecraft's #1 major economy server and something such as a stock market would keep us head and shoulders above the rest, we must continue to advance our server or imitators will rise to our level and steal our popularity, with out its users and server especially one as innovative as ours cannot function and will quickly fall into the darkness, and we are naive if we believe that other serves cannot reach what we have as with any innovation: -first come the innovators - ECC -then come the imitators - hundreds of economy servers -then come the idiots - hundreds more with non working economies Funding, businesses battle for money in the real world an ECC and as well in both they get their financial capital by taking loans from banks or investors, but not only do they get money from bond buying investors in the real world there is another type of investor, the stock investor and he/she will buy a portion of a company to provide the owner/board of directors with capital to further business operation, this would lessen the amount of loan scamming. New sector of economy, our economy in ECC is mostly dependent on farming/mining and the exp market is wedged in there but this creates and imbalanced economy, what happens when crop and ore production out paces demand: economic collapse but if we have a stock market we can balance the economy and pull it away from a solely resource based economy and into a corporate based economy. Aside from all these reasons each side supplements the other such as when there is more businesses buying wheat to produce their product there are more wheat farmers, now and investor who invested in this company at its start has sold his shares when it is now a multi-billion dollar corporation and can afford more commodities such as diamonds and emerald as a floor and companies who sell these products now need to put more miners to work searching for these minerals, and with more miners comes a demand for more enchanted pickaxes so it helps the exp market Although one can also become poor over night, it is the risk you take, our server which mimics a capitalist economy must allow people to become instantly poor (and no not on lotto) to further our reach as the #1 hardcore economy. Any Other Information: I think that I have thoroughly explained all of the information above Link To This Plugin: this just has the commands: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/stock_market/ (out of date) this tread has an updated version from cupckaes69: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/stock_market/ I also believe our developer team probably has the capabilities to make our own stock market plugin
I Totaly have to give this a +1, i mean, really, its a HARDCORE ECONOMY server, and a stock market would A. Increase the level or realalisticness on ECC B. Provide a cool feature C. Make me happy +1! Implement this, for it is a great idea
+1 I like the idea, could be an interesting twist to ecc. The plugin simply wouldn't work as it's out of date and in Alpha stage. Even the author can't guarantee it's stability. The plugin is open source, so it maybe possible to modify it.
The server maintains price control in the commodities market to prevent exploitation from what I understand. The suggestion of adding a capital market would be interesting. However, it seems like there isn't an in game way to create a capital system based on stocks, unless it would be possible to issue physical common stock as written books enumerating the piece of stock in its issuance, and the rights entitled to the holder. If there would be a forum around the stock system, contracts could be used as the method for issuing and trading stock holdings, but then the accountancy in a sell-off would be a nightmare. That probably makes written books a more viable option. However, it would probably have to be regulated in some sense by mods, or at least have rules laid out for issuing common stock, the existence of preferred stock, and what entity should hold the capital of the corporation. My two cents would be that the rules for a CEO would probably look like Mayor, with the ability to issue stock for your corporation instead of being able to issue land in your town. A plug-in for the capital/stock market could be a major game-changer, and an innovation worthy of the #1 Economy Server.