Minecraft Name:Sheathok Suggestion:I suggest to alter some of the disguises for stealth and stealth+, such as allowing normal stealth users to disguise as bats and moving certain disguises to stealth+. I also suggest removing baby villagers completely, as they are repulsive demon-spawn. Reason:I figure that stealth+ should have the more interesting mobs. I would just like all of the stealth and stealth+ disguises to be looked at and possibly moved around. Any Other Information:Not really, I didn't even explain this very well. Link To This Plugin:N/A
Baby villagers are pure evil. That's not my point though. They won't get removed, I'm just saying that bat should be moved to stealth and things like saddled pigs and charged creepers should be moved to stealth+ to give users more incentive to buy stealth+.
I think all 1.4 mobs were added to stealth+ because, since they are new they seem amazing. This is incentive enough to get stealth+.
I dont agree with the baby villager being removed because thats the smallest mob and since i'm too scared to get killed in mining world i usualy do /d baby villager so that no one can see me.
I have to agree with Sheathok on this one. Currently, the only incentive to buy Stealth+ is the "overpowered" and "new" mobs. I like the idea of putting "overpowered" mobs such as Ender Dragons and Withers in Stealth+. However, "new" mobs won't be new for long. Bats and Witches were interesting for the first week of 1.4. Now the are seen as mediocre mob disguises, being inferior to charged creepers and saddled pigs. Instead of separating Stealth and Stealth+ feature by the date the mob was released, why don't we just separate them by "coolness"? Stealth+ does cost a total of $60, compared to Stealth's $30.
I buy stealth for what it was, I don't want to loose features, things might be added to stealth +, but nothing should be removed from stealth.