*This was [partially] based off of @matthew_gruber's post*[Suggestion] Add a new star tool called the StarHoe. It would have Unb3 and fortune 5, fire aspect 2, and looting 3 for animals/mobs. [Why?] It would used for those people who have a lot of money, and it can also be helpful, because you have a loot3 fire aspect2 "weapon" that will never break. It can be used to work with both mobs, and crops, because fortune on crops= more crops. The Unb3 is for if you choose to use it to till the ground. Count: +3 -1
Excellent idea! Now only if I could get filthy rich enough to have cause to buy such a monstrosity xD Seriously though, I'd like this added.
-1 What use would you have for a hoe... basically im saying how would it make mass amounts of money. a hoe is used to make farming possible. fortune does nothing to that. And you rarely ever see mobs in the wild.
I see where you come from, but what about pig spawners? Or other mob spawners? This is where the looting and fire aspect come in. It probably won't be able to easily sell itself back right away, but over time it can.
there are no pig spawners on ECC. and you know, thats what a sword is for. There is nothing special with this hoe other than the fact that it has fortune 5, but what use does that have?
There are pig spawners on ecc, when normal spawners (like those bought from the star market) are placed, they spawn pigs And the point is that the hoe can't be broken during melee combat making the pvp attributes worth it
Well first off, its just IMO but I wouldn't pay 1500 nstars for a pig spawner that 1) has the risk of being broken and 2) miningworld gets reset every month. The star sword already exists, why would we need this?
The star sword has efficiency and silk touch, not fortune. and the sword doesn't cook the meat for the pigs. Strategically place the spawner at the beginning of the month, so that you have more time to farm it. And then farm it. You have a point with the price of the spawner though, 1500 is a bit extravagant...
Lol, crap why did I not think of that? The point then, of this star tool would be to have an unbreakable animal killing tool, with a higher than allowed efficiency, all on then same tool.
How would this item be "unbreakable"? I don't see why not to just use a sword for this. You can make a more efficient item than this one. Sword with Sharp V KB 2 FA 3 Loot 3 will do the job To farm, just use a fortune 3 item. If you are farming wheat, then it just gives you more seeds, not more wheat. The purpose of a hoe is to make farming possible, not to kill or farm with it.
This is the major flaw I see within this suggestion, when bored I like to find MCmmo related forms of money making. This is among them. When farmed correctly(elaborating on that via text is about as much fun as watching grass grow, so I'll just throw data at you) ropes in about 13k/h with minimal effort. Minimal effort requiring 45 seconds of actual farming with 2.5 minutes of cool-down for green terra, so it could net more if farmed while an active ability recharging. This, keep in mind, is using a combo of green terra and a fortune 3 tool. So lets recap in a easier on the eyes manner: -13k/h -45s of farming per cycle -150s of doing absolutely nothing except waiting for green terra, which is unused time. -Fortune 3/Green terra combo Should a fortune tool that has a value greater than three be introduced, with obvious variances, would easily net more than a melon sword with about a quarter of the effort required for Melon farming. For obvious reasons this is an issue, as well, making money is meant to be hard. Otherwise it devalues the entire point in having it.