Minecraft Name: pokeball92870 Suggestion: A new medal for those who manage to collect every single star tool. Reason: A new end goal/medal to address the recent increase in quantity of star tools. Any Other Information: As collecting every star tool is a pretty big task, this medal should be very special. Perhaps it should be an animated medal (just like the VMR Booklet). I found a concept on DeviantArt. https://orig00.deviantart.net/8b88/f/2011/250/f/5/diamond_pickaxe_by_barakaldo-d496oku.gif Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: Custom addition - forums.
When you collect all the star tools, they should be removed like with nstars/diamonds/emeralds so prices can go back up
Just did something along the lines of this here https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/crate-master-collector-medal-now-available-animated.174660/