Minecraft Name: snowbleie Suggestion: "Ban buttons" I have recently been seeing people asking mods for temp bans. Wether it is to finish homework or just to get off. The mods are always saying the hassle is is to have to ban, then unban someone, all because they cant do it all their own. That is why I suggest "Ban Buttons!!" At spawn, there will be a room, with buttons. Each button is hooked to Command Blocks, each one with a different ban time. If a user thinks he/she needs to be banned for the time being, they can enter, and hit the time of their choosing. Reason: Less harsh on the mods. They will no longer have to type in commands by hand anymore. Any Other Information: All I can say, is think of the convince! No more hassle!
Wait... Is this possible? Well I guess that someone could develop this plugin. But I really see no point in it. I understand what you are saying, just the idea in general I see no point in.
Two problems I see here: 1: I don't think commands blocks can use the ban command as mojang doesn't want them abused to be able to ban users without permission 2: I also don't like the idea of people being able to ban themselves as I think it would cause confusion of "Why is this guy banned" or curious players that don't read signs hitting them.
Yes, it WILL be available in 1.4!!! All you have to do is enter the temp ban command in the block and BOOM! The nearest player gets banned. (We will make the radius small, so only a person within 2-3 blocks of the button will get banned.
I can see that, however, if players wish to hit the buttons, it is their choice. Not to mention the fact the you Mods will no longer face the problem of seeing people PM you saying "Ize no do my Hommmeeework, Canz you banz meeee????"
Alright then. I will just agree with this because it's a whacked out idea in my opinion. And that's pretty awesome for it to be whacked out . + uhh... Whatever 9+2+=...
http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ban-request.28905/ http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ban-appeal.28789/ (just 2, will post more when I find them)
This will end badly. It would be like allowing users to delete their own posts and/or threads. :/ People will also trick users into getting near the banning sign to get someone banned. In the long run, Staff should be the only people (or... "things") to execute a ban command. Though... I think there should be a small template specifically for requesting a ban, and a minimum time-frame for requested bans - 24 hours, bare minimum. Template/application may be pointless..more of a personal, OCD thing. xP
Ok, I can see some issues. Maybe if mods can tp them to the locked area??? Idk, perhaps its not a very good idea....
It would probably be easier for the mods to just temp ban the person instead of tping them to the room.