Denied [Suggestion] SG Overhaul 2.0

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by a18greek18, Jun 7, 2016.

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  1. a18greek18

    a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
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    Jun 19, 2012
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    Minecraft Name: a18greek18

    Suggestion: Massive SG Overhaul 2.0

    Change StayAndFight Kit - Just a quick change so that this kit becomes more simplified. Nothing really changes gameplay wise other than the fact that 2 bows become 1. This kit could potentially become useful with this change.

    1x Infinity 1 Bow and 1x Unbreaking 3 Bow -> Infinity 1 Unbreaking 3 Bow

    Change PerfectFit Kit - Change the enchants on this armor kit to make it play as it sounds. To be a perfect fit for general scenarios and to be durable.

    1x Respiration 3 Unbreaking 2 Leather Helmet -> 1x Protection 2 Unbreaking 3 Leather Helmet
    1x Thorns 3 Unbreaking 2 Leather Chestplate -> 1x Thorns 3 Unbreaking 3 Leather Chestplate
    1x Protection 2 Leather Leggings -> 1x Protection 2 Unbreaking 3 Leather Leggings
    1x Feather Falling 3 Unbreaking 3 Leather Boots -> 1x Feather Falling 4 Unbreaking 3 Leather Boots

    Change ElementalAwareness Kit - Change the enchants on this armor kit to make it more balanced and to play as it sounds. To be a strong kit for many different elements of the game.

    1x Blast Protection 4 Leather Helmet -> 1x Respiration 3 Leather helmet
    1x Feather Falling IV Unbreaking II DepthStrider II Gold Boots -> 1x FeatherFalling 4 DepthStrider 1 Gold Boots

    Change Grenadier Kit
    - Change the amount of potions in this debuffing kit. 2 of each type of potion is too much. Since it seems like we're attempting to revert back to vanilla SG, removing some of these potions only seems right. The kit still keeps its purpose but players with the kit have less potions to debuff other players.

    2x Splash Potions of Poision -> 1x Splash Potion of Poison
    2x Splash Potions of Harming -> 1x Splash Potion of Harming
    2x Splash Potions of Slowness -> 1x Splash Potion of Slowness
    2x Splash Potions of Weakness -> 1x Splash Potion of Weakness

    Change Buffer Kit - Sorry Jamie, but I thought of a better solution to help nerf buffer. Yes, the very recent change in the suggestion you approved was good and I loved it, but there's a better option. This new suggested change has the same result as the other one but it satisfies my inventory ocd. The kit would now have less items but still have the same effect as the other nerf.

    2x Splash Potion of Regeneration 2 -> 1x Splash Potion of Regeneration 2
    2x Splash Potion of Healing 2 -> 1x Splash Potion of Healing 2
    1x Potion of Swiftness 2 -> 1x Potion of Swiftness 1

    Change Scavenger Kit - This utility kit has way too many of certain things. I'll address each item individually: 1 Flint and Steel can last an entire game, so why have 2? 32 arrows is perfect for a quick refill if needed so keep it the same. There's already enough food you can find in chests, so remove the mushroom stew from the kit. 32 Snowballs is a bit much, so change to 16. 1 Milk is enough because odds are you will only be debuffed with grenadier once in a game, if that. The fishing rod can stay for utility purposes.

    2x Flint & Steel -> 1x Flint and Steel
    32x Arrows -> 32x Arrows
    2x Mushroom Stew -> Remove from Kit
    32x Snowballs -> 16x Snowballs
    3x Milk -> 1x Milk
    1x Fishing Rod -> 1x Fishing Rod

    Change Adventure Kit - Way too many different options of food in this kit. Just keep it all the same food item to help with inventory sorting and overall neatness. Remove all other types of food besides pumpkin pie, and change pumpkin pie to 32x instead of 6x.

    6x Pumpkin Pie -> 32x Pumpkin Pie
    6x Cooked Chicken -> Remove from Kit
    6x Cooked Pork -> Remove from Kit
    6x Cooked Beef -> Remove from Kit


    Any Other Information
    : N/A

    Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: Custom
  2. a18greek18

    a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
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    Jun 19, 2012
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    @JamieSinn Thought I'd tag you. Sorry about the huge list.
  3. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
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    No, make individual suggestions
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