Minecraft Name: thestaticage98 Suggestion: Add command /sg messages Reason: since the new survival games has been added, the new global broadcasts that state who kills who is Super spamful. I honestly dont care at all about sg unless im in it. i dont care if crapcorn22 kills iateadonkey69. It spams me and distracts me. there should be a command for sg messages, Similar to the lottery command, the command should turn the sg messages off. Any Other Information: Some people don't like to see all the excessive spam. Link To This Plugin: N/A
I agree, as I, too, have found the SG win messages to be quite spammy. I could understand broadcasting them to whoever was in that SG so they would know who won, but it doesn't matter to many of the rest of us. However, those posts are how Kuke's bot tallies SG wins for that scoreboard thing of his, so the command to opt out of seeing them would be better.
I certainly can look into this, but the message with it broadcasting the winning amount is actually a plugin by khobbits, so he would also have to modify it aswell, in all aspects, it is not at all hard, all it is a boolean checking if you want it on. and toggling it based on command
+1 it needs to be gone, or at least able to be disabled. IDK if its donators only or everyone, that is the one thing i cant disable. (/lotto messages, and im donator so i can leave channels like local and trade.)
I would like to be able to turn it off or on if I ever do feel like getting in the to blood/death/glory mood. Its not horribly spammy but I would like to be able to filter out some of the chatter at times.
A SG equivalent of '/lot messages' would definitely be useful as there are times when I do not want to be hit with any extraneous messages, such as when I am conducting an important transaction and need to take screenshots.
I agree completely, unless I'm paying attention to SG I don't want to hear that. It is just another thing in my chat and frankly the least important thing. Revanrose6
The majority of the server aren't playing Survival Games, so those who're not playing don't need to see these messages. I agree.
I think he means the winning messages Andrew. The ones that appear to everyone when the final kill is made.