I think this would be cool. Then we can ignore the people who say that we should not sell to the server because peiple could buy stuff sold by other users. And then people can invest in a certain block to get additional money. That way we shall have a lot of cobblestone and iron and gold etc. would also make reselling in stores or signs easier.
The server store, i believe, is designed for... creative people. Prices are high as-is, and also this would actually limit the amount of money taken out of the economy, which does not seem to be in andrews current interests. Currently, if 100 blocks are sol to the store, probably about 500 are bought, meaning (assuming im halfway accurate) the amount of money leaving the server though tje store would be reduced, resulting in people having more money,and it becoming stagnant due to having knowhere to go. This would cause rapid inflation, to the point where people could sell Above server price and actually get customers because nothing is in the spawn store. PLUS it would probably be crazy to code up, and whenever essentials gets an update more work for andrew and khobbits