Minecraft Name: RagMan17 Suggestion: 10-30 second countdown for any non-emergency restarts. Reason: A recent complaint viewtopic.php?f=122&t=23968 has led me to make a suggestion regarding the server restarts and a small warning system that could be put into place. There are times when people are doing things (flying, trading, etc) where an unexpected server restart will cause an untimely death or other problems to occur. Example: I was flying over lava and the server restarts. I login and drop into lava and die losing all my items. I was flying over one of the statues at spawn and the server restarts. Typically when I login after flying I do not take fall damage, however this time I clipped a block and the server recognized me as jumping/falling apparently because I died on impact losing all my items to people that were nearby. I was mining near some hanging gravel and the server restarts. I login to being suffocated and die losing all items. As in the link above, awhile ago I was repairing items for someone and the guy tossed them onto the ground but the server restarts. We both login to find the items gone. I now use a chest for all trades (in a secure location) to prevent this, but many players may not realize the risk and could potentially lose items. Other Information: I believe that this would lead to less loss complaints, and a happier player base. Plug-in Needed: N/A I think. I'm not a coder but I would think that the /shutdown or /restart commands (not sure what is used) could be altered to broadcast a few warnings and then restart after the delay. If it could not be coded to the command then maybe whoever is doing the restart could announce the delay (shouts) before issuing the command. Again this would be for only non-emergency restarts, if there is an immediate problem that is harming the server it should be the top priority over player problems. RagMan
I'd like that too to be honest I've done things like that before but was lucky enough to live 8) cuz I'm epic