Minecraft Name: TheBuckeye11 Suggestion: Be able to sell emeralds to the server. Reason: We are able to sell everything all the other ores so why not emeralds? Any Other Information: There may be a issue with the plugin that i don't know about so please tell if there is Also for the price maybe like $35.50 nothing to crazy Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: N/A
The player emerald market is HEALTHY. Diamonds used to have no sell hand price either, because they were a healthy thriving market. A combination of accumulated diamonds and eff7 picks crashed their price to around $10, at which point a sell hand price was added. Player markets are a good thing and we don't need to remove one
The 'Emerald Collector' Achievement itself is enough to keep the emerald market thriving, and it's a decent way to make side cash. Not sure would happen to the market if we changed it, but why fix something that isn't broken?